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Default Profiles

As you have seen from the previous tutorials, your systems are fully customizable in classy. Even if we strongly encourage you to create you own configurations, we provide a set of predefined and well-established profiles that will work with competitive performances in almost all setting and scenarios.


To use a profile, you just have to pass the profile name to the parameter --profile at training time

classy train <task> <dataset-path> -n <model-name> --profile <profile_name>

distilbert 🌳 🚀

General Info
Supported TasksSupported LanguagesRequired VRAM
sequence sentence-pair token qaEnglish< 4GB
Model and Optimization
DistilBERT (📄 Paper | 🔨 Implementation)Adafactor (Paper 📄 Implementation 🔨)
Train command
classy train [sequence|sentence-pair|token|qa] my_dataset_path -n my_model --profile distilbert
When should I use this profile?
  • You want a blazing fast training and inference
  • Quick run to evaluate your dataset and check for possible flaws
  • You don't have at your disposal a GPU with more than 4GB VRAM
  • You will use the model in low energy consumption scenarios

distilroberta 🌳 🚀

General Info
Supported TasksSupported LanguagesRequired VRAM
sequence sentence-pair token qaEnglish< 4GB
Model and Optimization
DistilRoBERTa (🔨 Implementation)Adafactor (Paper 📄 Implementation 🔨)
Train command
classy train [sequence|sentence-pair|token|qa] my_dataset_path -n my_model --profile distilroberta
When should I use this profile?
  • You want a blazing fast training and inference
  • Quick run to evaluate your dataset and check for possible flaws
  • You don't have at your disposal a GPU with more than 4GB VRAM
  • You will use the model in low energy consumption scenarios

squeezebert 🌳 🚀

General Info
Supported TasksSupported LanguagesRequired VRAM
sequence sentence-pair token qaEnglish< 4GB
Model and Optimization
SqueezeBERT (📄 Paper | 🔨 Implementation)Adafactor (Paper 📄 Implementation 🔨)
Train command
classy train [sequence|sentence-pair|token|qa] my_dataset_path -n my_model --profile squeezebert
When should I use this profile?
  • You want a blazing fast training and inference
  • Quick run to evaluate your dataset and check for possible flaws
  • You don't have at your disposal a GPU with more than 4GB VRAM
  • You will use the model in low energy consumption scenarios

bert-base 🌲 🚄

General Info
Supported TasksSupported LanguagesRequired VRAM
sequence sentence-pair token qaEnglish< 8GB
Model and Optimization
BERT-base (📄 Paper | 🔨 Implementation)AdamW (Paper 📄 Implementation 🔨)
Train command
classy train [sequence|sentence-pair|token|qa] my_dataset_path -n my_model --profile bert-base
When should I use this profile?
  • You want a trade-off between training/inference speed and model performances
  • You want a well-established model for everyday use
  • You have at your disposal a GPU with at least 8GB of VRAM
  • You will use the model in moderate energy consumption scenarios

gpt2 🌲 🚄

General Info
Supported TasksSupported LanguagesRequired VRAM
generationEnglish< 8GB
Model and Optimization
GPT2 (📄 Paper | 🔨 Implementation)Adam (Paper 📄 Implementation 🔨)
Train command
classy train [generation] my_dataset_path -n my_model --profile gpt2
When should I use this profile?
  • You want an affordable (decoder-only) generative model for English
  • You have at your disposal a GPU with at least 8GB of VRAM
  • You will use the model in moderate energy consumption scenarios

roberta-base 🌲 🚄

General Info
Supported TasksSupported LanguagesRequired VRAM
sequence sentence-pair token qaEnglish< 8GB
Model and Optimization
RoBERTa-base (📄 Paper | 🔨 Implementation)AdamW (Paper 📄 Implementation 🔨)
Train command
classy train [sequence|sentence-pair|token|qa] my_dataset_path -n my_model --profile bert-base
When should I use this profile?
  • You want a trade-off between training/inference speed and model performances
  • You want a well-established model for everyday use
  • You have at your disposal a GPU with at least 8GB of VRAM
  • You will use the model in moderate energy consumption scenarios

deberta-base 🌲 🚄

General Info
Supported TasksSupported LanguagesRequired VRAM
sequence sentence-pair token qaEnglish< 8GB
Model and Optimization
DeBERTa-base (📄 Paper | 🔨 Implementation)RAdam (Paper 📄 Implementation 🔨)
Train command
classy train [sequence|sentence-pair|token|qa] my_dataset_path -n my_model --profile deberta-base
When should I use this profile?
  • You want a trade-off between training/inference speed and model performances
  • You want a recently released model with state-of-the-art performances on several NLU benchmarks
  • You have at your disposal a GPU with at least 8GB of VRAM
  • You will use the model in moderate energy consumption scenarios

bart-base 🌲 🚄

General Info
Supported TasksSupported LanguagesRequired VRAM
sequence sentence-pair token qa generationEnglish< 8GB
Model and Optimization
Bart-base (📄 Paper | 🔨 Implementation)RAdam (Paper 📄 Implementation 🔨)
Train command
classy train [sequence|sentence-pair|token|qa|generation] my_dataset_path -n my_model --profile bart-base
When should I use this profile?
  • You want a trade-off between training/inference speed and model performances
  • You want to tackle an English generation task with an affordable model
  • You have at your disposal a GPU with at least 8GB of VRAM
  • You will use the model in moderate energy consumption scenarios

multilingual-bert 🌲 🚄 🌏

General Info
Supported TasksSupported LanguagesRequired VRAM
sequence sentence-pair token qa104 (Complete List)< 8GB
Model and Optimization
mBERT (📄 Paper | 🔨 Implementation)AdamW (Paper 📄 Implementation 🔨)
Train command
classy train [sequence|sentence-pair|token|qa] my_dataset_path -n my_model --profile multilingual-bert
When should I use this profile?
  • You require a multilingual model covering languages other than English
  • You want a trade-off between training/inference speed and model performances
  • You want a well-established model for everyday use
  • You have at your disposal a GPU with at least 8GB of VRAM
  • You will use the model in moderate energy consumption scenarios

xlm-roberta-base 🌲 🚄 🌏

General Info
Supported TasksSupported LanguagesRequired VRAM
sequence sentence-pair token qa100 (Complete list in the reference paper)< 8GB
Model and Optimization
XLM-RoBERTa-base (📄 Paper | 🔨 Implementation)AdamW (Paper 📄 Implementation 🔨)
Train command
classy train [sequence|sentence-pair|token|qa] my_dataset_path -n my_model --profile xlm-roberta-base
When should I use this profile?
  • You require a state-of-the-art multilingual model covering languages other than English
  • You want a trade-off between training/inference speed and model performances
  • You want a well-established model for everyday use
  • You have at your disposal a GPU with at least 8GB of VRAM
  • You will use the model in moderate energy consumption scenarios

bert-large 🌵 🚜

General Info
Supported TasksSupported LanguagesRequired VRAM
sequence sentence-pair token qaEnglish< 11GB (fp16)
Model and Optimization
BERT-large (📄 Paper | 🔨 Implementation)AdamW (Paper 📄 Implementation 🔨)
Train command
classy train [sequence|sentence-pair|token|qa] my_dataset_path -n my_model --profile bert-large --fp16

Remember to use the --fp16 at training time or otherwise the model may not fit in memory.

When should I use this profile?
  • You want state-of-the-art performances, no compromise!
  • You want to show how far you can go with the proper infrastructure
  • You want a well-established model used by thousands of users
  • You have at your disposal a GPU with at least 11GB of VRAM that supports fp16 precision
  • You don't have any energy consumption restriction

roberta-large 🌵 🚜

General Info
Supported TasksSupported LanguagesRequired VRAM
sequence sentence-pair token qaEnglish< 11GB (fp16)
Model and Optimization
RoBERTa-large (📄 Paper | 🔨 Implementation)AdamW (Paper 📄 Implementation 🔨)
Train command
classy train [sequence|sentence-pair|token|qa] my_dataset_path -n my_model --profile roberta-large --fp16

Remember to use the --fp16 at training time or otherwise the model may not fit in memory.

When should I use this profile?
  • You want state-of-the-art performances, no compromise!
  • You want to show how far you can go with the proper infrastructure
  • You want a well-established model used by thousands of users
  • You have at your disposal a GPU with at least 11GB of VRAM that supports fp16 precision
  • You don't have any energy consumption restriction

deberta-large 🌵 🚜

General Info
Supported TasksSupported LanguagesRequired VRAM
sequence sentence-pair token qaEnglish< 11GB (fp16)
Model and Optimization
DeBERTa-large (📄 Paper | 🔨 Implementation)RAdam (Paper 📄 Implementation 🔨)
Train command
classy train [sequence|sentence-pair|token|qa] my_dataset_path -n my_model --profile deberta-large --fp16

Remember to use the --fp16 at training time or otherwise the model may not fit in memory.

When should I use this profile?
  • You want state-of-the-art performances, no compromise!
  • You want to show how far you can go with the proper infrastructure
  • You want one of the latest released SotA models
  • You have at your disposal a GPU with at least 11GB of VRAM that supports fp16 precision
  • You don't have any energy consumption restriction

xlm-roberta-large 🌵 🚜 🌏

General Info
Supported TasksSupported LanguagesRequired VRAM
sequence sentence-pair token qa100 (Complete list in the reference paper)< 16GB (fp16)
Model and Optimization
XLM-RoBERTa-large (📄 Paper | 🔨 Implementation)AdamW (Paper 📄 Implementation 🔨)
Train command
classy train [sequence|sentence-pair|token|qa] my_dataset_path -n my_model --profile xlm-roberta-large --fp16

Remember to use the --fp16 at training time or otherwise the model may not fit in memory.

When should I use this profile?
  • You require a state-of-the-art multilingual model covering languages other than English, with no compromise
  • You want to show how far you can go with the proper infrastructure
  • You want a well-established model used by thousands of users
  • You have at your disposal a GPU with at least 11GB of VRAM that supports fp16 precision
  • You don't have any energy consumption restriction

gpt2-medium 🌵 🚜

General Info
Supported TasksSupported LanguagesRequired VRAM
generationEnglish< 11GB (fp16)
Model and Optimization
GPT2 (📄 Paper | 🔨 Implementation)AdamW (Paper 📄 Implementation 🔨)
Train command
classy train [generation] my_dataset_path -n my_model --profile gpt2-medium
When should I use this profile?
  • You want a medium (decoder-only) generative model for English
  • You have at your disposal a GPU with at least 11GB of VRAM that supports fp16 precision
  • You don't have any energy consumption restriction

bart-large 🌵 🚜

General Info
Supported TasksSupported LanguagesRequired VRAM
sequence sentence-pair token qa generationEnglish< 11GB (fp16)
Model and Optimization
Bart-large (📄 Paper | 🔨 Implementation)RAdam (Paper 📄 Implementation 🔨)
Train command
classy train [sequence|sentence-pair|token|qa|generation] my_dataset_path -n my_model --profile bart-large
When should I use this profile?
  • You want state-of-the-art performances, especially on English generation problems, with no compromise!
  • You want to show how far you can go with the proper infrastructure
  • You want a well-established model used by thousands of users
  • You have at your disposal a GPU with at least 11GB of VRAM that supports fp16 precision
  • You don't have any energy consumption restriction

mbart 🌵 🏗️ 🌏

General Info
Supported TasksSupported LanguagesRequired VRAM
sequence sentence-pair token qa generationEnglish< 24GB (fp16)
Model and Optimization
mBART (📄 Paper | 🔨 Implementation)RAdam (Paper 📄 Implementation 🔨)
Train command
classy train [sequence|sentence-pair|token|qa] my_dataset_path -n my_model --profile bart-base
When should I use this profile?
  • You want a state-of-the-art multilingual model, covering 25 languages and particularly suited for generation tasks (e.g. machine translation), with no compromise
  • You want to show how far you can go with the proper infrastructure
  • You want a well-established model used by thousands of users
  • You have at your disposal a GPU with at least 24GB of VRAM that supports fp16 precision
  • You don't have any energy consumption restriction

gpt2-large 🌵 🏗️

General Info
Supported TasksSupported LanguagesRequired VRAM
generationEnglish< 24GB (fp16)
Model and Optimization
GPT2 (📄 Paper | 🔨 Implementation)AdamW (Paper 📄 Implementation 🔨)
Train command
classy train [generation] my_dataset_path -n my_model --profile gpt2-large
When should I use this profile?
  • You want a large (decoder-only) generative model for English
  • You have at your disposal a GPU with at least 24GB of VRAM that supports fp16 precision
  • You don't have any energy consumption restriction