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Changing Config

Most .yaml configs used in classy simply define the parameters that are passed at construction time to actual Python objects. For instance, the following config:

_target_: 'classy.pl_modules.hf.HFTokensPLModule'
transformer_model: ${transformer_model}
use_last_n_layers: 1
fine_tune: True

refers to the instantiation of the following object:

class HFTokensPLModule(...):

def __init__(
transformer_model: str,
use_last_n_layers: int,
fine_tune: bool,

In particular, the _target_ property defines the object to be instantiated by specifying the Python module path to the corresponding object.

To actually instantiate configs, you can use Hydra instantiate method:

import hydra

# conf is expected to be a DictConfig object (essentially a more powerful Python Dict loaded via OmegaConf); you don't need to care about this detail

By default, the instantiation process is recursive. You can change this behavior with the _recursive_ parameter.

Changing values

With this in mind, you can see how easy it is to change things. For instance, if you want to change the fine-tuning behavior as in the previous Section, you just need to change the .yaml file:

_target_: 'classy.pl_modules.hf.HFTokensPLModule'
transformer_model: ${transformer_model}
use_last_n_layers: 1
fine_tune: False

and this will reflect automatically on your instantiated HFTokensPLModule.


Having to enter the configuration folder, open the yaml file, edit the desired field and start the run every time can be a bit of a nuisance, especially if you then have to revert your changes if you get worse results. To avoid this, for simple modifications, you can use the -c option of classy train, to provide Hydra CLI overrides on params. For instance, to change the fine-tuning strategy, classy train ... -c model.fine_tune=False.

Writing a new config

Similarly, if you want to write a new config, perhaps specifying a new super-cool model, you just need to specify what to instantiate (the _target_ param) and how (the other params) to instantiate it:

_target_: <python-module-path-to-object>
param1: value1
param2: value2

Lazy Instantiation


This section involves fairly complex concepts. Feel free to skip it if you are not planning on extensively editing classy configs for the moment.

Things are usually as simple as described above. However, actual instantiation sometimes requires resources that you cannot specify in the .yaml config. For instance, the actual configuration and code of HFTokensPLModule is the following:

_target_: 'classy.pl_modules.hf.HFTokensPLModule'
transformer_model: ${transformer_model}
use_last_n_layers: 1
fine_tune: True
_target_: classy.optim.factories.RAdamWithDecayFactory
lr: 1e-5
weight_decay: 0.01
- bias
- LayerNorm.weight
class HFTokensPLModule(...):

def __init__(
transformer_model: str,
use_last_n_layers: int,
fine_tune: bool,
vocabulary: Vocabulary, # <--
optim_conf: omegaconf.DictConfig,

with __init__ having two additional problematic parameters:

  • vocabulary
  • optim_conf

On the one hand, vocabulary is not something you usually know beforehand, as it will be automatically built by classy itself. On the other hand, optim_conf is your optimizer configuration, whose instantiation involves instantiating a PyTorch optimizer; however, this latter operation is impossible as PyTorch optimizers take model parameters as input to their constructors, which you don't have yet as the model and its weights are exactly what you are trying to instantiate.

Yet, this code and configuration work, despite the missing vocabulary field and the circle dependency with optim_conf. This is because, first, classy knows it should pass the built vocabulary along the other instantiation params, and manually adds it when instantiating classy models.


When facing instantiation issues similar to this vocabulary thing, you can apply this pattern to deal with them, manually passing the additional parameter via kwargs to hydra.utils.instantiate(...).

Second, classy disables recursive instantiation on models, meaning that optim_conf will not be instantiated automatically. Rather, __init__ will receive a DictConfig object and will have to take care itself of instantiating it.